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Citing Scientific Sources
Survival Guide

Susan Smith Nash, Ph.D.

Failure to cite sources can be result in significant discomfort to you and your academic

Citing Sources is a matter of understanding the guidelines.  Please follow The Scientific Style Guide, quoted below:
The website can be found at:

Don't get burned like Mr. Horse !  Cite your source !!

Citing Scientific Sources from the Internet

Personal site
1Pellegrino J. 1999 May 12. Homepage. <http://www.english.> Accessed 1999 Nov 7.

Professional site
1[CBE] Council of Biology Editors. 1999 Oct 5. CBE home page. <>. Accessed 1999 Oct 7.

An online book may be the electronic text of part of all of a printed book, or a book-length document available only on the Internet (e.g., a work of
1Bryant P. 1999 Aug 28. Biodiversity and conservation. <>. Accessed 1999 Oct 4.

Article in an electronic journal (ejournal)
1Browning T. 1997. Embedded visuals: student design in Web spaces. Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 3(1). < browning/bridge.html>. Accessed 1997 Oct 21.

1Isaac JD, Sansone C, Smith JL. 1999 May. Other people as a source of interest in an activity [abstract]. In J Experimental Soc Psychol 35:239-65. IDEAL database <http://www.europe.idealibrary. com>. Accessed 1999 Jun 7.

Article in an electronic magazine (ezine)
1Myhrvold N. 1997 Jun 12. Confessions of a cybershaman. Slate. < /CriticalMass/97-06-12/CriticalMass.asp>. Accessed 1997 Oct 19.
2Glockle WG, Nonnenmacher TF. 1995. A fractional calculus approach to self-similar protein dynamics. Biophysical J Abstr 68(1):46. <>. Accessed 1996 Jul 25.

Newspaper Article
1Azar B, Martin S. 1999 Oct. APA's Council of Representatives endorses new standards for testing, high school psychology. APA Monitor. <>. Accessed 1999 Oct 7.

Government publication
1Bush G. 1989 Apr 12. Principles of ethical conduct for government officers and employees. Executive Order 12674. Part 1. <>. Accessed 1997 Nov 18.